
Showing posts from December, 2019

The Richest Man In Babylon by George S. Clason - Book Summary

1.  Should  keep 10% of your income from salary. i.e. Pay yourself first. 2.  Invest  saved amount. 3.  seven cure for a lean purse      > Must save 10% of your income.       > Control your expenditures. Make your monthly budget.       > Make your money multiply by reinvesting. Invest only in profitable business - consult          with  a wise person before investing.       > Guard your money against loss.       > Make up your dwelling a profitable investment. ( Buy a home )       > Ensure a future income.       > Increase your ability to earn which need to improve your skills . 4. Identify opportunities and exploit them. If found a good bargain make it, else think      wisely before  completing that deal. 5. Five laws of gold     - Save 10% of your income     - Labour your gold      - Be cautious with your gold. Take advice from wise persons.     - Invest in what you know ( known businesses), don't touch unfamiliar business.     - D